Displaying posts for the “Audio” category.

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Jim O’RourkeWomen of the World
(by Ivor Cutler).
From the album: Eureka.
Painting by Mimiyo Tomozawa.

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Miranda July Stars in Blonde Redhead: Top Ranking Video.
Directed by Mike Mills. 600 X 337 Quicktime (8,4 MB) here.

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Bastro and CodeineA L’Ombre De Nous (In Our Shadow)
(orig. by Francis Lai / Pierre Barouh)
From the single: A L’Ombre De Nous} else {

Bon Iver – Flume

  • 20.03.2008

Bon Iver
performs the song Flume from his album For Emma, Forever Ago.
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Hearing test

  • 10.03.2008

Hearing test

Audio Active – Happy Shopper

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Baby Dee – You’ll Find Your Footing
From the album: Safe Inside The Day

Hi, How Are You?

  • 27.02.2008

happy time


Daniel JohnstonHappy Time
From the album: Fun
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The Mountain Goats – Sax Rohmer #1
From the album: Heretic Pride
Directed by Ace Norton

John Darnielle wrote descriptions of each song on the album for Jeffrey Lewis to illustrate. Go there for the resulting 3-page “comic book press kit” used for album promo.

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Tone Poem
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Record Envelope

  • 21.02.2008

Record Envelope

Record Envelope, a reference for vinyl geeks and graphic artists.

See also
LP Cover Lover, the world’s greatest LP album covers, 45s too.}

aberdeen était née

Felicia Atkinson with Sylvain Chauveau – Aberdeen
From the album: Roman Anglais

Felicia Atkinson is also a part of Stretchandrelax (Nowaki, Rainmusic) and Louisville.

Madsounds / Otto

  • 17.01.2008


Every object and surface in our environment has a whisper; subtle tremors and vibrations that are usually undetectable to the human ear, produced by the activity and movement of daily life.

Duncan Wilson (in a collaboration with Manolis Kelaidis of IDE at the Royal College of Art.) designed OTTO (Greek for ‘ear’); a device that makes hidden sounds audible.

This is achieved via a thin polymer piezoelectric contact that senses weak vibrations and plays them as a sound through an integrated speaker. OTTO can be positioned on almost any surface through a combination of suction and magnets. By placing several units on different objects, one can select and create a new sonic experience and a form of ambient music appreciation, thereby utilising our space as a multidirectional audio platform.

See also portfolio details and project blog.
Found on Architectradure.

theory cover

Discovered through Boomkat a few months ago, Ben Frost was hard for me to find in Brussels actually. But that album stayed in a corner of my head for a long time and I recently came across it at Le Bonheur.

If you are a fan of industrial rock ala NIN (last wave) and Raster Noton alikes, you may find the jewellery for your crown ! Theory of Machines is an important album and a deep dive into someone’s mind. No pretension, just a pure moment of joy and power !

Go an listen!
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Mètode de Rocanrol