“Family Days by Todd Deutsch is an autobiographical project based on family, fatherhood, and young sons.
The Book
33 inkjet images
61 pages; 12 x 11.5 inches
Signed and numbered
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“Family Days by Todd Deutsch is an autobiographical project based on family, fatherhood, and young sons.
The Book
33 inkjet images
61 pages; 12 x 11.5 inches
Signed and numbered
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Direction and Animation by Brendan Cook
Direction and Artwork by Paul McNeil
Music and Lyrics by Smog
Julien Vallée
Direction artistique, motion & design graphique.
Manually crafted from Montréal, Canada.d.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s);
Untiteld, 2005 by Job Koelewijn.
Video: Like babies poets are not healed of a lonesome searching in their minds.
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Picture from the work Shack by Scott Peterman.
The Book
112 pages – 54 full-color illustrations
12.2 x 9.7 x 0.7 inches
Channel Photographics
Publication date: June 2006
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This Brian Ulrich's project, Copia, is composed of several chapters, currently Retail, Thrift, and Backrooms.
For those bored by too many pale copies of Christian Fennesz, let introduce you to Mister Mark Templeton.
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Alex Trochut – Creativity, Type & Illustration.
“I love type and illustration. I don’t choose either as a preference, but I particulary like when both are present.”
Richard Ross’s new book, The Architecture of Authority, illustrates how the physical spaces of prison, the police station, confessional, and even school force us to negotiate with these institutions for our autonomy and, in some cases, our freedom.
Large samples here and here with an interview with the photographer.
The Book
Hardcover: 144 pages
Product dimension: 9.3 x 9.2 x 0.8 inches
Publisher: Aperture Press
Publication date: Septembre 2007
“Regardons-nous errant parmi tant d'autres semblables dans des centres commerciaux, surgis de nulle part à la péripherie des villes….”
Concert, Paris, 28th May 2006, by Benoit Lesieux and Yaël Perlman
Winter Family – a deep and moving music, a first album coming out on september 2007 at Sub Rosa Records (Brussels).
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A book and a stylish animal alphabet site with illustrations created from the letters in each animal's name – by Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich.
Related: The Typeface Bembo – Pietro Bembo
The Book
32 pages
13.4 x 8.6 x 0.4 inches
Henry Holt and Co.
Publication date: April 2000
Gil, Zoé, Adrien, Karak, Erwan, Esteban, Amina, Aïcha, Rayan, Pinki, Anna, Thelma, Sylvie, Yakoub, Tayib, Jack, Nicette, Fatoumata, Barnabé, Nassim, Sun Xi, Hamza, Yuri, Lucie, Inès, Ayoub, Rosalie, … It's for you!
Dog Days, Bogotá, is a powerful series of photographs by Alec Soth.
My wife and I adopted our baby girl, Carmen Laura, from Bogotá, Colombia. While the courts p rocessed her paperwork, we spent two months in Bogotá waiting to take Carmen home.
Carmen's birthmother gave her a book filled with letters, pictures and poems. “I hope that the hardness of the world will not hurt your sensitivity,” she wrote, “When I think about you I hope that your life is full of beautiful things.”
With those words as a mission statement, I began making my own book for Carmen. In photographing the city of her birth, I hope I've described some of the beauty in this hard place. — Alec Soth.
The Book
96 pages, 65 colour plates
22.8 cm x 22.8 cm
STEIDL Photography International
Publication date: July 2007
My name is Jesper Ulvelius. I have just moved to Gothenburg to get my bachelor in Photography. I am more interesting in showing the process of photography rather then just the final result. Failure doesn’t have to be bad, just another way of success.