Displaying posts for the “Collection” category.
Grass Finch
John Gould: The Birds of Australia
London: 1848-1869
Sp Coll n1-a.1-8
Special Collection: Birds, Bees and Blooms
© University of Glasgow Library
Book (design) stories
from new typography to swiss style
modernist book design in germany and switzerland 1925–1965 (and beyond)
A Colouring Book of Abstract Line Art.
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The Art of the Title Sequence is a blog dedicated to quality, not quantity…
…oh, and title sequences and their respective designers.
Woody shares his huge collection of plates with us.
Some of them are older than my grandma.
Woody is member of the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association.
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People Collector is a project by Julien Pacaud and Mathilde Aubier.
All the pictures were found on the internet.} else {
Visual Arts Data Service – high quality images for use in education
Typewriter Ribbon Tin Collection
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Record Envelope, a reference for vinyl geeks and graphic artists.
See also
– LP Cover Lover, the world’s greatest LP album covers, 45s too.}
This site has been designed to visually introduce to you the incredibly diverse world of brand name pencils.