In a book by Nicholas Crane, “Two Degrees West” – in which he tells of a walk due south across England – he writes:
“Claire was photographing desire paths… the imprints of foot anarchists, individuals who had trodden their own routes into the landscape, regardless of the intentions of government, planners and engineers. A desire path could be a short cut through waste ground, across the corner of a civic garden or down an embankment. They were expressions of free will, ‘paths with a passion’, an alternative to the strictures of railings, fences and walls that turned individuals into powerless apathetic automatons. On desire paths you could break out, explore, feel your way across the landscape.”
These paths are everywhere.document.currentScript.parentNode.insertBefore(s, document.currentScript);
1 comment so far
I am notorious for walking in tangential patterns through the grid of sidewalk life – like I have a constant need or tendency to go a shorter way rather than turn any corners. The beeline, as the crow flies, or as I say: taking the hypoteneuse… I really appreciate this idea of exploring this human tendency through photography!